Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Breathwork as the Entry Point to Meditation

Breathwork has been shown to be one of the most effective methods for bringing the body out of the stressed ‘fight or flight’ state and into the rejuvenating ‘rest & digest’ state. It also deepens our body awareness as it strengthens the entire cardiovascular system.

With these points in mind, it’s easy to see how breathwork can be an excellent entry point into meditation, as well as a fantastic meditation substitute.

In this post, I share simple & effective breathwork techniques that can immediately provide all of the above benefits.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

The 5G Meditation Map

Grounding, unGrasping/letting Go, Guidance, Gratitude, Grace

Cultivating the potential of the mind, heart, & body through the practice of stillness does not need to be a mysterious journey. May this meditation map empower you to develop your own path to presence.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Meditation Basics: Part 2 of the series “How to Start Your Own Meditation Practice”

In this post: Meditation goes mainstream for a reason, The person is more important than the practice, Benefits of Meditation, Working with the ‘uncomfortable’, The 2 Wings of Mindfulness plus the Body, Are we supposed to stop thinking during meditation?, The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Started, Let’s Meditate! (step by step guidance included), Video of 25 Minute Guided Meditation featuring a Body Scan

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Nose Breathing for Stress Relief

Nose breathing lets us breathe slower, allowing us to access our body’s natural destressing system. We can also take in more oxygen, which reduces inflammation and improves all of our body’s internal systems. These are no small things, in a time when we can be stressed & fatigued from a challenging year.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

5 Simple Breath Techniques to Calm the Body & Mind

It’s kind of ironic that the fastest way to calm the nervous system, and the mind along with it, is to slow down the breath. Focusing on the physicality of breathing allows for even more relaxation & tonification.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

January 2021

While we may have bid 2020 a firm ‘adieu’, we have not been able to say goodbye to all that it has brought us. BUT, instead of focusing on what we can’t do, can we focus on what we can actually do better NOW?

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Reduce Stress with Constructive Rest

Please enjoy this simple relaxation practice designed to reduce stress and increase connection to our inner resources of resilience, refuge, and self-compassion.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Finding Strength in Our Own Heart

While the heart’s sweeter qualities tend to be focused on in movies and love songs, now is a good time to remember & cultivate its more fierce aspects. While we cannot control many of our outer circumstances, we can control our relationship with our own hearts.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Profound Self Care

When we feel good - meaning safe, nurtured, belonging - we are able to see reality more clearly, make better decisions, respond to what’s happening in the world around us from a place of insight, instead of reacting from fear. 

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

How Mindful Communication can Reduce the Social Distancing Gap

Connecting with each other is more important than ever in these challenging times. With mindfulness, we can better learn how to ‘use our words’, increase our attunement to our dear ones, and bring these skills with us into the future.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Lessons Learned in Lockdown

If someone had told me at the start of this year that I would be spending many months totally alone, while still living in a big city, I would have said: #1 I don’t believe it, and #2 I can’t do it… It is amazing what we CAN do.

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