Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

January 2021

While we may have bid 2020 a firm ‘adieu’, we have not been able to say goodbye to all that it has brought us. BUT, instead of focusing on what we can’t do, can we focus on what we can actually do better NOW?

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

How Mindful Communication can Reduce the Social Distancing Gap

Connecting with each other is more important than ever in these challenging times. With mindfulness, we can better learn how to ‘use our words’, increase our attunement to our dear ones, and bring these skills with us into the future.

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Tracy Renee Stafford Tracy Renee Stafford

Lessons Learned in Lockdown

If someone had told me at the start of this year that I would be spending many months totally alone, while still living in a big city, I would have said: #1 I don’t believe it, and #2 I can’t do it… It is amazing what we CAN do.

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