The How-to Series
Reduce Low Back Pain by strengthening the side hips
The Glut Medius - the main muscle of the side hips - is responsible for keeping our pelvis strong and stable. When it is not, problems can arise in the pelvis itself, in the lower back, in the knees, and even in the feet & ankles.
The exercises I show here will give you great muscle tone in this area AND provide a good support for staying active!
Relieve Lower Back Pain by Connecting to the Side Waist
This video offers 2 exercise pairings to stretch & strengthen the obliques
- as a way of reducing lower back pain.
The side waist muscles are an important part of the core,
providing more 3 dimensional support for the spine, as well as the whole body.
Relieve Neck & Shoulder Tension by Connecting to the Armpits
This #movementmonday segment offers a simple breathing exercise and shift in body awareness that can create a huge ripple effect through the body, reducing tension & increasing strength through the whole upper body. Enjoy :)
Tutorial Series:
Computer & Smart Phone Posture Problems & Fixes
Learn how to correct knee hyperextension, so that you can access your full lower body power
Strong quads and flexible hamstrings are THE most valuable protection for the knees.
Learn a simple exercise pairing to balance the strength & flexibility of the thighs.
Core Strength reduces the possibility of lower back pain,
AND reduces strain on the whole body: neck & shoulders, hips, knees.
Learn a few simple and effective exercises to find and increase your core strength.
Stretching & Strengthening the Glutes using a Chair:
So vital for improving postural issues due to too much time at the computer!
These exercises work.
Making Small changes in Posture to Improve Lower Back, Hips, & Glutes:
This video is very informative!
Part 1: Simple Exercise for Correcting Forward Head Posture
Part 2: Simple Exercises to Open the Chest & Shoulders
Part 3: The Computer Break Dance:
Take a midday break, give the whole upper body some therapeutic movement & breath, and then get back at it!
What is THE CORE?
Core Stability is vital in preventing and reducing lower back pain.
What’s more, with good core stability, you can engage in all other physical activities much more safely.
Core Part 2: Getting a Better Plank!
The Balance Series
Better balance not only means that we can prevent falls, we can also align our body ideally to increase bone density, reduce unnecessary wear & tear on the spine & joints, and strengthen our deep postural core stabilization muscles. When these muscles are strong, we can have better performance & function in all of life’s activities, throughout our lives.
Part 1 speaks of how to improve balance by waking up our deep postural core stabilization muscles.
Part 2 of the Balance Series focuses on the foundation of our balance in our feet & ankles. Feet are often neglected, but have a huge impact not only on our balance, but on the stress that is placed on our knees.
Part 3 focuses on the hips. When are hips are aligned & strong, our knees and lower back are more protected against unnecessary strain. Strong hips are vital for balance.
The 4th & final balance video focuses on the core. A strong core protects our lower back and gives us more power from the inside out, that we can apply to all of life’s activities.