Develop the well-being, inner strength, & self awareness to be your own greatest source of health, joy, approval, & wisdom.

Live in & from your body in an aligned, resilient & expansive way, so that you have lots to give to yourself, to those around you, & to the world.

We are often told WHAT we need to do or change in order to feel healthy & capable of breathing with all that life brings us,
but we are not taught the HOW. We are also often taught to view the components of well-being as separate entities, rather than as the integrated whole that they truly are.

That’s why I developed

The School for Self Care

Connecting to 4 Pillars of Well-Being


Feel strong on the inside,
& relaxed on the outside.
Feel resilient, balanced, &
at home in your body.
Feel safe challenging yourself, while still reducing pain & inflammation.
Be active & comfortable in your body through all stages of life.

Find out more about Group Classes in Yoga/Pilates Blend, Private Training, plus access Mini-classes


Create a loving, healthy, sustainable relationship with food.
Discover how to nourish yourself simply, fully & joyfully, letting go of ineffective, restrictive diet plans,
& unkind body attitudes.
Learn how to listen to the body and to what it is truly hungry for.

Get Recipes & Inspiration for Healthy Nourishment


Understand the what, why, & how of mindfulness & meditation and how it can reduce stress, increase joy, and enable you to feel & contribute your best to the world around you.
Learn what compassionate self-inquiry is and how it can help you become your own best friend.

Try my Guided Meditations & read about Mindful Living & Profound Self Care here.


With the other 3 pillars providing a solid base for a healthy body, mind, & heart, the next steps to take on the path to our greatest alignment with our core values & purpose are easier to see & to take.
Enjoy the process of becoming,
as well as any destination you reach.

Discover tips & techniques on Healthy Aspiration

 Imagine the Benefits of Receiving Holistic Coaching

  • Instead of being a stranger in your own body, feeling strong, at ease & at home wherever you go

  • Instead of seeing food as an escape or enemy, enjoying the feeling that true nourishment brings

  • Instead of stress ruling your life, empowering yourself with the self care & mindfulness tools that are a perfect fit for you

  • Instead of feeling powerless & dependent on others for answers, trusting in your own capacity for intuition & insight

  • Instead of being seduced by fear, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, & self sabotage, listening to your inner voice of compassion, confidence, creativity, & curiosity, to grow into the person that you truly are


 Hello! I’m Tracy, Movement & Alignment Guide.

I have been teaching and studying movement for over 30 years, weaving together yoga, pilates, dance, & funcional, rehabilitative, mindful exercise. I focus on movement education, & deepening body balance from the inside out.


“Before I spend the day gardening, teaching university, or walking through the beautiful paths in my city,
I spend an hour with Tracy, with whom I have learned to feel my body, to enjoy it and to feel safe challenging it.
Not bad for a woman of almost 80 years of age! Thanks Tracy!”
Lois Browne

I originally started seeing Tracy to resolve hip pain, however, in the process of working with her, my lower back pain disappeared too. 20+ years later, I remain free from low back pain, as long as I keep up with all the things she taught me. I love that she mixes different forms of movement together, so that I am never bored and my body is challenged in new ways”

Kristie Dewald  

 In my free 30 minute Postural Consultation & Core Breath Tutorial, I will:

  • Evaluate the alignment of the spine, head & shoulders, hips, knees, & feet

  • Help bring the body into a more balanced posture so there is less wear and tear on the joints, with maximum power

  • Show simple exercises to improve alignment, ease of motion, & balance

  • Provide a sense of what ongoing classes with me will feel like

  • Teach an effective breathing technique that engages the core muscles, that can be applied in daily activities.

    *This breath technique is relaxing, empowering
    & is a perfect start to the journey of getting long & strong from the inside out.
    It wakes up the deep core muscles of the abdominals and pelvic floor, while relaxing the neck and shoulders, & can be applied to all daily activities, from sports, to running, to sitting at the computer.

I have taught everyone from athletes, such as dancers & hockey players, to new moms needing to reconnect to their core, seniors who need to stretch, strengthen & build bone density safely, to those with injuries & chronic conditions that require expert care and knowledge.
I am happy to now be able to share my knowledge with even more people in this 1 to 1, online setting.